Cat Wentworth is a designer working in New Haven, CT and Brooklyn, NY.
She earned a BA in Architecture from the University of Kentucky in 2014, where she was a Gaines Fellow in the Humanites, and an MFA in Graphic Design from the Yale School of Art in 2023, where she was awarded a research fellowship at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library and the Charles Sawyer Prize for distinction in graphic design.
For commissions or collaborations contact: +1 270 991 2906 @catwent
Textiles for a workshop with Linda van Deursen, titled, “The Image of Graphic Design.”
Squint, Typeface, 2022
Vinyl for the Yale Painting & Printmaking 2023 Thesis Exhibition, a signal urgent but breaking. The exhibition took place in two groupings. The custom variable typeface displayes the same text for both exhibitions but concealed and revealed the information for Group I and Group II, respectively. In collaboration with Jisung Park.
(site under construction)
PDF work samples and CV available upon request.
This site was last updated on 31 May 2023.
© Cat Wentworth